10 Questions About PRP
PRP application is a powerful weapon and a good option for seasonal changes, used makeup and skin cleansing products, changes in moisture balance, spots, skin dryness, tendency to crack, enlarged pores, and even lifeless or shedding hair.
Below you will find frequently asked questions and answers with my experience and experiences of over 20 years. Be our guest to answer your different questions, let’s evaluate it with Vectra M3 3D and see what can be done together.
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What is PRP?
Abbreviation for Platelet Rich Plasma. It is the name of the platelet-rich part of the serum separated after a certain procedure of blood taken in a special tube. We use this platelet-rich part in skin regeneration.
How many sessions is PRP applied?
The number varies depending on the problem. In short, we can say between 3-6 sessions.
How long should the intervals between PRP sessions be?
The intervals between sessions should be 2-3 weeks, depending on the purpose of the application.
Does PRP have any side effects?
Since it is your own blood that is taken and processed and applied to you again, there is no risk of side effects or allergic reactions when general hygiene rules are followed.
Who is PRP not applied to?
It is not applied to cancer patients, those with active infection, or those with blood diseases.
What are the factors that negatively affect PRP application?
Not using a special PRP tube, smoking and alcohol use, anemia, and frequent weight gain and loss have negative effects.
How is PRP prepared?
It is obtained by separating 8-10cc of blood taken in a special PRP tube after a certain centrifugation process.
What is PRP used for?
It is used in cases such as:
- Hair loss,
- Skin rejuvenation,
- Acne scar,
- Wrinkle treatment,
- Spot treatment,
- Pore tightening,
- Crack treatment,
- Scar reduction.
How is PRP applied?
It must be applied by a medical doctor! Anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be applied and waited. It is thoroughly cleaned with antiseptic solution. A part of the serum separated by centrifugation is taken into a syringe and applied to the skin with special needles and different techniques.
What kind of changes occur in the skin after PRP?
After application, there is slight redness and edema on the skin, which goes away on its own within 1-2 hours. The effect is seen after the second application. The skin feels more moisturized, more vibrant and more tense than before.